Monday, May 7, 2007

Trials and Tribulations of Vienna...

[Christina] Poor Mr. Jibladze had to stay in the terminal the whole time because the customs women denied him a visa for reasons unknown. Our English-speaking intermediary said "normally they would give you one, yes? But today they are feeling a little bit 'Desperate Housewives,'" which was hilarious. We left him with a laptop and some DVDs.

[Allison] Once we had left the weak behind on our conquest of Austria, our first plan was to scope out the city of Vienna. The train. That's all I have to say. Absolutely awesome! Sleek and stylized, the double leveled rocket was bright green with an artistic dash of yellow. I was quite impressed. And it ran so smoothly. My first impression as the train broke from the airport tunnel in to the blinding light was that Austria looked a lot like Massechussetes, only with more wide open spaces.

[Christina] We wandered around, slightly dazed, in the crisp Viennese sunlight and cold air. We saw two churches- the names of which I can't recall- that were really cool. The first one was massive and very Gothic, with lots of ornamentation and pointed-arch windows. It was undergoing construction, and the spindly scaffolding blended in kind of confusingly with the stonework. Inside were catacombs- there was a tour, but we didn't take it- and a BUNCH of Japanese tourists.

After that, we trailed behind Mr. Flowers to another church. The previous one was comparatively austere, since it was mostly a giant hunk of cold (but very nicely chiseled) stone. This one exploded with beautiful paintings and gilt and cute marble staircases and a nice organ. After that we staggered off to have lunch in a pub-type-thing, where my very, very broken German was somewhat useful. The food was good, the service weirdly surly. Behind us was, again, a gigantic group of Japanese tourists.

Then- even more exhausted and trying to stay awake- we wandered around, went through the Leopold museum, and went to an art museum. The art museum was pretty cool, though we were a little too groggy to appreciate it fully. i tried to find a German-English dictionary so that my German could become less broken, but they didn't have one, and neither did the folks downstairs at the other gift store. Finally, we got back to the airport in time to sit around for another four-ish hours and waited for our plane.

[Allison] More on that tomorrow.

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