Monday, May 7, 2007

How It All Began...


We left Sunday morning.
We had a flight at noon, so we all agreed to meet
around 10:30. I had packed the night before (of course) but I was all ready to
go anyway, though more sleepy than excited. Mom dropped me off at the airport
and I found Allison, Jacob, Laura and their parents. Mr. Flowers and Mr. Jibladzewere both running late. We had a nice laugh at their expense. ; )

From D.C., our route continued on through Vienna, where we had a 14 hour layover (eep). The flight was about nine hours long. We were flying Austrian Airlines, and the stewardesses were incredibly stylish European bastions of formidability. They told you to put down your tray so that they could serve dinner, and you did. They asked you to place your mug on the portable tray they carried so that they could pour the coffee, and you put your mug down exactly where they asked you to. And then they adjusted it, because your puny efforts failed to be sufficient. Also, if you attempted to utilize your minimal German skills, those also were considered too plebian to respond to in kind. =P

Anyway, the flight wasn't too bad, and, I admit, I love airplane food. I don't care if it's terrible (okay, I care a bit) but something about the super-efficient packaging and placement makes my heart go pit-a-pat. I just love it. We got into Vienna around ten A.M local time, and since none of us really managed to sleep on the flight, we were already exhausted.

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