Thursday, March 22, 2007

This was the coolest thing ever! They bake the bread by slapping on the side of this huge kiln-like wall. The bread comes out crunchy on the outside, but pleasantly chewy on the inside *yum*

Monday, March 19, 2007

We have returned! *yay*

Because of spotty, dial-up internet access, we have been unable to post up most of our trip until now. So, over the next week, I'll be cutting and pasting all the entries we wrote up as well as pictures from our travels.

I don't think that our magnificent four will be at school on Tuesday...but Flowers and Jibladze have to be *ha ha ha* >D [insert very evil laugh here]

So stay tuned as there will probably be a new chapter of our trip up every day!

Monday, March 12, 2007

And We're Still Going...and going...and going.

We are in Vienna now and the time is 6:30pm. We arrived after our eight hour flight around 9am and probably only got an hour of sleep on the plane ride. Our plan was to tour Vienna for the day, and we, minus a certain Georgian who was denied a visa by a "surly immigration official described as a Desperate Housewife by the staff", enjoyed our jaunt throughly. Of course, that meant trekking all over the city with barely any sleep, barely surviving between coffee breaks.

Lunch was eventful as no one could think straight and the fact that the wait staff could
only speak German was a bit of a setback. We relied mostly on Christina's broken German to make it through the meal plus a lot of pointing and blank cow-like stares from the rest of us.

Finally, we killed an hour at "that museum" (The Leopold Museum) where Jacob fell asleep in the gift shop. We were able to catch our second wind when the four of us had a very amusing conversation with a couple of British people in the elevator up to the exhibits. We spent the remainder of the hour sitting on the bench, leaning up against each other as we discussed how color played a key part in certain paintings, etc. Yeah, Magnet students to the core. We may be dropping like flies but heaven forbid that we return to the airport and not go visit a couple of art museums!

We finally made it back to the airport around 5:20-ishpm, cleaned up a bit and settled back down for the three hour wait until our next flight to Georgia (at last)! We plan to get there around 4:50 am and hit the ground running. I don't think any of us will have trouble sleeping on the way over there ^^;

[allison] special message for my da: Chip!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

We are in Wahshington! *yay*

After eating a hearty meal at Subway, Mr. Jibladze thought to enlighten us with a quote from the book he's pretending to read:
"'I'm not flying Aeroflot,' I told my friend, 'I don't want to die just yet. We'll take Austrian Airlines through Vienna.'"

Our flight leaves at 7:15pm; then we're off to Vienna. *huzzah*
The flight to Washington D.C. was uneventful, but Jibladze's hidden aggression towards the people who dress up at Disneyland in those big character suits was revealed. He's hoping that our next flight across the puddle is as uneventful as well.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

And they're off!

Hello, all! We leave tomorrow at noon. From Austin, we'll be heading over to Washington D.C. and then to Vienna...and then to Tiblisi!!! *yay*

FWI to everyone:
Be at the airport no later than 10:15am.
I'm bringing some Girl Scout cookies as well...because I can! ;D

See you all at 10am.

Thursday, March 8, 2007


Meeting on Sat. @ Flightpath Coffeehouse:
2 pm